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Wellbeing Passports


Wellbeing Passports form part of our Universal Expectations for all pupils at Kingsbury Academy incorporating specialist advice from the team around the child e.g., class teachers, parents, therapists, specialists and the pupils Education, Health, and Care plan (EHCP).

Every pupil has a Wellbeing Passport that provides key information detailing;

  • Communication, Interaction, and transitional support needs.
  • Sensory and emotional regulation needs, including strategies to support dysregulation and behaviour.
  • Specialist interests and reinforcers.
  • Medical and health care needs.
  • Independence and self-care needs

Wellbeing passports are readily accessible within class to ensure that all staff are aware of the pupils’ needs and how to best support them throughout their day.

Passports are shared with parents and form part of the transition and EHCP documentation. They are active documents and are regularly reviewed to reflect changes in the pupils’ skills, needs and preferences, including monitoring by senior leaders.