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Home Learning


Curriculum for learning 





PhonicsPlay - Resources


Alphablocks - CBeebies - BBC



Oxford Owl for School and Home

Home - Vooks  Story books brought to life


Numberblocks - CBeebies - BBC


Explorify   Explorify for Science


ictgames        ICT games for Literacy and Maths



Curriculum for life




Meditation made easy • Smiling Mind  Short audio sessions to help with mindfulness



Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube  Yoga videos designed for children 3+

GoNoodle Home   Dancing, strength and mindfulness videos

Free Special Stories – The Pete Wells Sensory Stories Podcast  Sensory stories, podcasts and inclusive stories



Laughing Kids Learn - Where learning is made fun


SEN Resource Source | Downloadable resources for SEN support  Social stories and ideas for activities



Curriculum for generalisation/enrichment 




Home - CBBC Newsround  Keeping children up to date with news from around the world. 


General Knowledge For Kids | Mocomi  General knowledge videos.


Outdoor Learning and Nature Activities for Kids | Rhythms of Play  Outdoor learning ideas

63 Outdoor Learning Activities Kids will Love (  Create and explore the outdoors

20+ Forest School Activities Fun Outdoor Learning Ideas - Natural Beach Living   Forest school ideas

Remote education 

How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

Learning at home will broadly follow the number of hours each day: 

  • EYFS: 2-3 hours a day
  • Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day
  • Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day

These hours include skills maintenance, home and community-based learning and tasks linked to promoting learners physical and mental wellbeing.

Accessing remote education 

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

Remote learning tasks and accompanying resources will be provided by the school. Parents can access home learning packs via the school website:

Home Learning


Password: learn#2020

School will contact families/the learner on a weekly basis over a telephone call. This contact will provide clear explanations and support with the implementation of learning tasks and ascertain feedback to plan for the next steps in learning.  Where utilised, learners will be provided individual logins to access online platforms such as Busy Things and Purple Mash.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

All paper-based tasks are printed and posted to learners. On some occasions, these packs are sent electronically