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Curriculum for enrichment / generalisation

Our Curriculum for Generalisation and Enrichment offers an opportunity for enrichment through personal development. Pupils can generalise their learning in wider contexts and have encounters beyond the classroom, providing a varied and rich educational experience.

Also we want to provide a curriculum that extends beyond our pathways to enable our pupils to discover their interests and talents. Our aim is to develop important characteristics such as resilience, confidence, and independence to help keep physically and mentally healthy.

As part of our offer, we aim to ensure that pupils are fully equipped to be an integral part of society and modern Britain by understanding diversity, celebrating commonality, and promoting respect throughout their lives. 

As part of our offer for the Curriculum for Generalisation and Enrichment pupils can participate in a variety of groups, which include the Junior Leadership Team where pupils have a say in their educational experiences. The work Skills Team, Projects Team and Eco Warrior Team all provide  opportunities to develop key skills linked to accessing their communities, preparation for adulthood and their transition to the next phase of their education.