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Quality of Life/Preparation for Adulthood

Our preparation for adulthood and independence begins in EYFS and it’s a strong focus throughout KS1 and KS2. We strongly believe in the importance of preparation for adulthood outcomes of Employment, Independent Living, Community Inclusion, and Health. As a starting point, we use these outcomes to develop EHC plans across a wide range of needs. Our curriculum strand communication and interaction enable pupils to learn skills such as the development of interactions and relationships, listening and understanding, making requests, and labelling skills. Our numeracy curriculum strand develops skills such as problem-solving and thinking, visual skills, modelling skills and number skills. Work-related learning allows pupils to experience the world of work, generalise their communication skills and increase aspirations and personal development.

Independent living and Community Inclusion skills are developed through our curriculum strands healthy living and independence and community participation. Throughout these strands, the pupils develop personal hygiene, keeping healthy, personal safety, independent living, road safety and travel, leisure and community engagement skills. These skills are taught and generalised in a range of settings, such as our classrooms, Sensory Studio, Sensory Pod and our Sensory Corridor.

Health is developed through our emotional regulation and routines and engagement strands. Pupils have opportunities to understand emotions, manage emotions, understand, and express sensory needs, develop positive relationships with adults and learn about transitions and change.

Career related learning at Kingsbury is about broadening our learners' horizons, challenging stereotypes and helping them develop skills, social and cultural capital and a sense of self that will enable them to 'prepare for tomorrow' and reach their full potential.

Our team work closely with our pupils to provide opportunities and experiences around the world of work. Activities and opportunities include work related learning, enterprise fairs, careers day, involvement in the Eco Schools Award and HS2 project work.